Battle cries and smelting coins
Year 3 had a very exciting (and noisy) time with our Viking visitor from Ufton Court on Wednesday. They learned battle tactics and manoeuvres, including how to build a shield wall, a ‘boar snout’ and protect the ‘Yarl’ (thanks to our teachers for volunteering to be defended by a hoard of young Vikings!). After this, they climbed aboard their Viking longship and shouted fearsome chants to the sound of an ominous drumbeat. They raided European countries, collecting treasure and artefacts, which they then examined and learned all about.
Following this, they had a huge amount of fun playing Viking games. The boys also had a chance to bake Viking bread and make their own Viking swords. The day was a resounding success and really helped the boys to understand more about such a significant period of history.
Then on Thursday Year 3 had a wonderful day in the forest. As well as enjoying their favourite Forest School activities, they got busy building dens in the style of Viking long houses, plaited bracelets with rune charms and made casts to have their own Viking coins smelted. They also enjoyed a delicious Viking style stew for lunch. Thank you to Mr Squire and Mrs Thatcher for making the day so much fun and well done to the boys for their enthusiasm!