We aim to make the School Admissions process as friendly and straightforward as possible.
Prep School Admission Dates
The majority of pupils join the school in September, although it is not uncommon for children to join in either January or April. Please contact the Registrar to discuss.
For all Admissions queries regarding Pre-Prep, Prep, and boarding school admissions, please contact our Registrar, Mrs Jill Morrin on 01491651438 or [email protected], or complete the online enquiry form to receive a prospectus.
Please note that Moulsford is a registered childcare provider, and as from April 2024, is offering up to 15 hours of free childcare between 8.30 - 11.30am and 12.30 - 3.30pm, Monday to Friday during our term times, from the term following a child’s third birthday until they start in Reception class, at age 4. Please learn more about this and other government initiatives to support parents with childcare costs on the Choices website. For fee information with government funding applied, please refer to the Fees page.
The first step in the admissions process is to make an enquiry by contacting our Registrar, Mrs Jill Morrin on 01491 651438 or [email protected], or by completing the online enquiry form to receive a prospectus. Following this we would encourage you to come for a visit before formally registering your child and paying a registration fee.
For our Pre-School and Reception there is no selection process at this stage. Early registration is both advisable and advantageous, as the date of registration will be taken into consideration when offering places, and the year group can fill up well in advance. For Years 1 and 2, children will be invited for an informal assessment, joining their potential peers during a normal school day.
Children joining us in Year 3 or above will be invited for a formal entrance assessment, and we also request a comprehensive report from the child’s current school. The assessment day consists of Maths and English exercises, as well as involvement in various extra-curricular and PE activities. The aim is to establish how children respond to the set tasks and the environment within their peer group. Moulsford is not overtly academically selective, however we do want to be sure that children will not only cope but thrive here on an academic level.
Independent schools are inspected regularly by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Moulsford was last inspected in March 2022. You can read a copy of the inspection report HERE