
We aim to develop the visual awareness of every pupil, and encourage a greater understanding of the surrounding world, in order to study and record it analytically.

The pupils are encouraged to develop their visual vocabulary and understanding of the elements of colour, texture, line, tone, pattern, shape and form, in order that they can effectively express their feelings, appreciate the work of others and develop understanding of their own and other peoples’ cultural heritage.

Students will be given the opportunity to acquire skills and develop a variety of artistic techniques through the use of a variety of media. This in turn should build confidence and allow them to find enjoyment in creative art, providing interests and abilities for life.

Pupils wishing to pursue art scholarships for their chosen senior schools are well-prepared and fully supported with portfolio preparation.

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Design Technology

A ‘hands on’ approach supported by expert guidance makes DT a highly popular and hugely enjoyed subject.

All pupils from Reception to Year 8 study Design and Technology.  From Year 3 to Year 8, pupils have a double lesson per week in the specially equipped workshop.  The room boasts a band saw, a disc sander, 4 scroll saws, a vacuum former, a dome blower, strip heaters, CAD/CAM plotters and a 3D printer.  Pupils work in woods, plastics, metals, fabrics, on computers and iPads, and learn technical drawing techniques, amongst many other skills. 

We embrace old fashioned, hands-on techniques as well as keeping up with new developments in technology, giving pupils a firm grounding in the subject to take on to their senior school.  DT scholarships are available at some senior schools, and any pupil interested in pursuing this route is fully supported with portfolio preparation.

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Image representing the Art and Design curriculum at Moulsford School, showcasing students engaged in artistic activities and creativity.

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