At Moulsford, three things remain at the centre of our charity ethos; time, possessions and compassion, and it is with these three considerations in mind that we continue to move forward and reach out to those less fortunate than ourselves. With charitable fundraising featuring as an integral part of school life, Moulsford pupils carry forward an innate sense of responsibility towards helping others, and a grounded attitude of their place in the world.
Who We Support
Over the last few years, we have introduced the children to a number of different charities both local and international. We support these charities not only in financial terms but also by increasing awareness and often choose lesser known charities with rather limited advertising budgets.
- Amundsen - SSNAP
- Bering - Emmaus Oxford
- Cabot - Sport in Mind
- Drake - Marine Conservation Society
We also continue to sponsor our Mary's Meals school in Liberia . The school, Virginia Assembly School, is located just outside Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. Moulsford has been sponsoring this school since 2018. Through Mary's Meals, it costs just £13.90 to feed a child for one year. To feed all of the 559 children who attend the school costs £7,770 for one year and Moulsford has taken on the responsibility of fundraising to ensure these 559 children don't go hungry and have the opportunity to gain the education they deserve. Any money raised by boys or at events can be donated and tracked using this link.
In previous years we have supported Soundabout, Rivertime Boat Trust, Inspire Children and Youth Trust, The Whale Company, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, George Adamson Wildlife Protection Trust, Style Acre, Blue Skye Thinking and many others.
Moulsford also hosts an annual Sporting Lunch, which takes place at the RAC Club in London. With the support of ex-England rugby legend David Flatman, this event has raised £21,000 for Brain Tumour Research and over £9,000 for YoungMinds.
In 2019/2020 the South Africa Rugby Tour supported Inspire, raising over £15,000 for Inspire. This enabled the charity to set up a safe haven to support children who are struggling to stay at school.
As a school we hold one main fundraising event each term but children are also encouraged to run, and take part in, their own charitable endeavours.

- Moulsford Mudder: an obstacle course, open to all children from Reception to Year 8, put together by the Moulsford grounds staff around the water meadow on school grounds. It is a very messy affair but terrific fun and hugely enjoyed by all.
- Moulsford Boys’ Cake Off: Pupils in Years 4 to 6 are invited to take part. There are 3 rounds with the pupils in Years 7 and 8 judging the first 2 rounds: Tray Bakes and Cup Cakes. In the final Showstopper Round the Moulsford catering staff choose the winner in each year group, as well as the overall winner. These are then auctioned off at Moulsford's Got Talent.
- Moulsford’s Got Talent: MGT is one of the highlights of the school calendar with finalists from Years 5 to 8 taking part and demonstrating a wide variety of talents. It is well attended by the whole Moulsford Community and is a truly heart-warming event that leaves everyone with a smile. Representatives from the school charities for that year are also invited to attend as well as give a little presentation; to remind us all what it is all about.
Charity Prefects
In addition to the fundraising activities organised by the school, we are always happy to support children who wish to fundraise for other charities that are close to their hearts. The school’s Charity Team, which includes charity prefects from each year group, are always happy to help with fundraising endeavours.
Pupils who go above and beyond with their charity work are awarded a Golden House Point and a treat at the end of the school year