The Moulsford Parents Association (MPA) is a registered charity made up of parent and staff volunteers. Together we achieve more!
Our primary objective is to generate funds, which can be invested in a range of items for the benefit of the pupils. Typically, these would be items that the school itself couldn’t justify as legitimate expenditure but which fall well within the stated remit of the MPA.
Our secondary aim is to enhance the feeling of community at Moulsford by putting on a range of events throughout the year that enable parents and staff to socialise and have a lot of fun while they’re at it!
At Moulsford, we benefit from the high level of participation by staff and parents at our events and as a result, MPA raises considerable funds to spend on the children.
Save the Dates: Upcoming events
Christmas Fair - Satrday 9th December 2023
If you would like further information about these events, please email [email protected]
On a normal year, the MPA typically organises six events each school year.

Key fixtures in the social calendar include the Bonfire Night and Christmas Fair in the Autumn term, a disco for the senior boys in the Spring term and the Summer Ball in the Summer term. There is usually another social event at the start of both the Autumn and Spring terms, such as a quiz or comedy night.
All events are led by a sub-committee, often with a bespoke email address, and a communication will be sent to parents in the Week Ahead, providing you with all the information you need to know including date, time, cost and the application process.
We are always looking for new ideas so if you have any suggestions to share we would love to hear them. Feel free to make contact via [email protected] and direct your message to the Chair.
Whilst the facilities at Moulsford are outstanding, our aim is to purchase a mix of additional items that will be for the enjoyment and benefit of all the children and enhance their life at Moulsford.
This shopping list is discussed extensively at the monthly MPA meetings to ensure that every aspect of school life receives some benefit from MPA.
For example, in support of the curriculum we have bought Apps and the Tentipi for all departments; to support the Activities programme and the kitchen (children love their food) our purchases include canoes and sailing boats, BBQs and the hog roasts; and for pure fun at break time we acquired the zip wires, table tennis tables and table footie.
How do we go about it?
We have a vibrant and dynamic committee made up of staff volunteers, including two teachers, the Headmaster and the Bursar as well as around 12-15 parent volunteers from across all the school year groups. The main MPA committee meets roughly 6 times a year and our decision-making process draws on ideas and feedback from the pupils (via the school council) staff and parents.
As a group we discuss all forthcoming events and, once decided, we form a sub-committee to take them forward and run them. The events raise money for MPA to spend on the added extras that will enhance the children's Moulsford experience. All items for inclusion on our shopping list get thoroughly debated before we decide on the purchase priorities and then we vote. Sometimes, an item is bought jointly between the school and MPA (like the cricket nets) and at other times MPA buy it independently.

As parents of Moulsford pupils we are all members of MPA and you all do your part every time you buy a cake at a cake sale and attend one of our events, so thank you.
The Committee
The main Committee is made up of 12-15 elected members who are voted into the MPA each year at the AGM, to which all parents are invited. This takes place in February or March each year and we summarise funds raised and items purchased as well as saying ‘thank you’ to members standing down and ‘welcome’ to those joining up. As well as parents there are 4 volunteers from the teaching faculty.
In addition to the main committee, we have a group of task forcers. This small but important group is made up of a rotating band of parents who just want to be involved with one event rather than joining the committee itself. It works incredibly well and brings a great diversity of ideas and year groups to each event sub-committee.
If you would like to know more about either the committee or what it means to be a task forcer, please get in touch via [email protected].
The Form Representatives
The Form Reps play a key role for MPA through their communication to their year groups of what we are doing, the benefits, event particulars, etc. and they are an essential conduit between MPA and the wider parent group.
They, too, encourage social gatherings within their year group and the events run by MPA are an extension of this.
If you have any questions or if you would like to get in touch about joining the committee or becoming a task forcer, then please email us on [email protected]. Equally we are always interested to hear from parents, staff and pupils about what we do, the events we run and what we buy so please share any thoughts or ideas - we'd love to hear them.
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If you have any comments or queries regarding this, please email the MPA at [email protected].