Our uniform supplier, Direct Clothing Company Ltd, provides an online order service to our parents for all items of school uniform, sports kit and sports bags.
Please order new uniform from the Direct Clothing website via this link where you will also find pricing information.
If you would like advice on sizing or quantity required, please email [email protected], detailing measurements and the items you wish to order.
School Uniform Images
Please see images below of the Moulsford uniform:
Flickr album: Moulsford Uniform - 2019 | Height: 350px | Theme: Justified | Skin: Default Skin

Pre-Prep School Uniform Images
Please see images below of the Moulsford Pre-Prep uniform:
Flickr album: Pre-Prep Uniform | Height: 250px | Theme: Justified | Skin: Default Skin

- Prep School Uniform List: Years 3 to 8
- Pre-Prep Uniform List: Reception to Year 2 Boys
- Pre-Prep Uniform List: Reception to Year 2 Girls
- Pre-School Uniform List
Second Hand Uniform
The onsite Second Hand Uniform Shop is open on Wednesday afternoons during term time from 3.30 - 4.00pm.
The Second Hand Uniform service is run by our parents. Please email [email protected] to find out what is currently in stock.
Parents will get a percentage back from some items sold through the shop. Profits made from the Second Hand Uniform Shop go to the Parents Association.