Hear what others have to say about Moulsford, ranging from published reviews, to prospective and current parents as well as pupils.
Prospective Parents
"We were delighted to receive your letter offering our son a place at Moulsford Prep School. When he saw the letter, he punched the air and said hurray! It really meant a lot to him and to us."
"We are so thrilled our son will be joining you in September – many thanks."
Current Parents
"I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough or express just how important the school has been in supporting us on this journey. We are truly grateful for all you’ve done and continue to do – the school has had a large impact in helping us cope." - Letter from a current parent following a difficult family time
"Moulsford has a reputation for producing nice boys; wonderful location on the river and lots of space to roam."
"We are so grateful for the infectious enthusiasm displayed by all staff."
"We are so happy with our decision to move here - and I haven’t even mentioned the Fresh Air! Having recently uprooted the family from London in order for our son to attend Moulsford, we (and he) couldn’t be happier with our decision. It really is the idyllic boys’ prep school on the river and we are so looking forward to seeing him flourish there."
"Multiple times since our son started at Moulsford we have said ‘thank goodness we moved him'. We are constantly impressed by all of the staff not just in how he is taught but the whole environment that is created at Moulsford. We couldn’t be happier."
"We moved from London so that Henry could start at Moulsford Prep School in September 2018 and he has absolutely loved it from Day 1. He comes home every day, tired but happy. The class size is perfect for him at just 13 boys, the timetable is structured in such a way that a lot is covered in the day, and there are plenty of opportunities to run off some energy, be it in the fabulous playgrounds in their morning and lunch breaks, or on the games pitches which stretch out alongside the school, or in the huge gym complete with climbing wall.
Academically, Henry has been going from strength to strength, especially his reading, which we think is a direct result of the Accelerated Reading Scheme which the school has had the foresight to implement this year. There is an impressive choice of After School Clubs, all run at the school. Henry has developed a great interest in Science courtesy of Science Club, his tennis has come on amazingly well and his confidence and ability to express himself is, we feel, clearly the result of Drama Club.
Henry has an older sister and it is apparent to us that boys and girls do learn differently, which is why we have opted for single sex schools for both our children. Our view is that Moulsford Prep School really understand how best to motivate the boys to learn above and beyond the academic curriculum and have fun along the way."
Past Parents
"We know that the start our son was given at Moulsford played a huge part in his development, in so many different ways and we are, and will be, forever grateful for that."
"It has been such a joy to see how inspired and enthusiastic our son has been by the lessons and style of teaching, and I was truly blown away by his level of knowledge whenever I tried helping out with his scholarship revision. All a reflection of the unmatched quality of the Moulsford teachers."
"We would like to thank the staff for the way in which our son's confidence has been nurtured throughout. We have been so impressed by the way in which Moulsford teachers go out of their way to help on an individual basis. It has been so nice to see how much he enjoys school life, which had certainly not always been the case prior to joining Moulsford."
"I think this school is really good."
"Moulsford is a very friendly school."
"The teachers are very encouraging."
"The way of teaching has increased my academic potential. The balance between work and play is spot on."
"Moulsford has helped me so much in my academic potential since Year 2. The sports are really fun, and cater for all abilities so everyone is included."
"There is a good balance between work and play."
"The school is very friendly and helps everyone with their different needs."
"Moulsford is awesome!"
"It is really easy to make friends at Moulsford."
"My form tutor is good at helping if I have problems."
"The food is incredible!"
"I love the food, especially the Mediterranean soup!"
"It is fun when we get a project and we can work independently and I let my imagination run wild."
"The school is a perfect place for me!"
"Boarding is great, it gives you a wide range of activities."
"It’s fun and there are lots of things to do."
"It is great fun and I would advise other boys to board."
"It is a very friendly place that gives you a great balance between prep time and free time and the food is exceptional, with many friendly staff!"
ISI Comments 2022
The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
Pupils achieve extremely well in performing and creative arts.
Pupils develop excellent communication skills.
Pupils are highly adept at using technology to enhance their learning and transfer these skills effectively across the curriculum.
Pupils’ attitudes to learning, particularly through collaboration, are excellent in the classroom, on the sports field and in a wide range of clubs and activities.
The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.
Pupils, including those who board, exhibit excellent social awareness in their relationships with their peers and with staff.
Pupils develop very high levels of self-esteem, independence and self-confidence.
Pupils have an excellent understanding of the importance of personal safety, including when online, and recognise the benefits of maintaining good physical and mental health.
Pupils demonstrate an excellent understanding of the importance of good decision-making, in both academic pursuits and their broader school lives
OFSTED Boarding
“Boarders comment on there being a lot for them to do and enjoying spending time with their friends.”
“Boarders enjoy the good balance between work and play.”
“Boarders have access to an outstanding range of activities during their free periods.”
“The boarders are cared for by a dedicated and committed boarding team.”
“An outstanding aspect of the school is its commitment to listening and consulting with the boarders. This enables boarders to affect change and make their views and opinions known.”
“Boarders describe the matrons as being ‘fantastic and caring’ and being ‘really helpful if you are feeling unwell’.”
“Parents comment on there being a ‘good balance of discipline and freedom’.”
Tatler Schools Guide 2021
"Pastoral care is first rate, and staff are trained in mental health, ready to offer support if needed."
"Conjuring Wind in the Willows-esque reveries, this riverfront Oxfordshire all-boys prep offers opportunities to paddleboard, kayak or simply enjoy the water."
"Parents are even more surprised that they’ve managed to keep such a thriving school a secret for so long."
Good Schools Guide 2015
“General consensus from parents is that teaching is ‘brilliant’.”
Muddy Stilettos 2021
"Moulsford is good for boys with energy to burn, who thrive on an outdoorsy, idyllic Swallows & Amazons-style school. Sporty kids will love it here, but the head is eager to promote an all-rounder ethos and the arts are far from ignored here. Discipline is strong and manners are drilled in with military precision – the boys I met were incredibly polite and assured."
"The mums I spoke to are extremely pro Moulsford and like the head and the changes he continues to implement."
"...it’s the quintessential English prep school, big on sport, academics, the arts, and manners, though any school that sends children sailing off to a place called Goose Poo Island shows a smart grasp of how little boys’ minds work."
"Five years ago Moulsford initiated a radically new Activities Programme from Reception to Year 8. I’m a big fan of the way it’s successfully unlocked potential and opened the pupils’ eyes to having a go at things they wouldn’t ordinarily attempt."
"...because there are no girls around, it’s not regarded sissy to play more ‘girly’ instruments like the flute or harp or to join the orchestra or choir. The performing arts are being taken seriously."
"Moulsford sport once had a reputation for ‘win first, inclusivity second’, but there’s been a shift over the last few years – the head master only referees the lower team matches, the first XV rugby jerseys have been phased out, and schools chosen for the fixture lists are deliberately of a similar size, so all teams have a fair chance to shine."
The Week, Spring 2019 - Moving Up | PDF 4.48MB
Angels & Urchins, Spring 2019 - Are Diamonds a Child's Best Friend? | PDF 345KB
Independent School Parent, Spring 2019 - The Outside World
Muddy Stilettos, January 2019 - Screen time Saviours
Cricketer Magazine, December 2018 - Top 50 Prep Schools - Good Schools Guide
"The school has a very special feel and core traditional values."
"We love the traditional elements that make Moulsford boys well behaved with good manners."
"Moulsford has the ability to develop well-rounded, courteous and successful boys in a single sex environment."
"A great family-feel community – each child is valued as an individual."
"All in all, an excellent school for our son."
"We, and our children, are very happy at Moulsford."
"All in all, I think the school is a wonderful place who turned a meek 8 year old into a happy, confident 12 year old. If I had to describe Moulsford, I would say it is a very happy school."
"Our son is very happy at Moulsford, and that is the most important thing for us."
"I have two boys who love their school and are very happy at Moulsford."
"Overall, Moulsford is an extremely well run school and our boys have been very happy there, and we have also been very pleased as parents."
Nominated for 'Prep School of the Year' by Tatler in 2020
Shortlisted for Outstanding Response to Covid by Independent School Parent in 2021
Highly Commended for Boys' School of the Year by Independent School Parent in 2018
"I just wanted to write a quick note to say we are so very grateful to the enormous amounts of hard work and dedication you and all your teachers have put in to virtual schooling for the Moulsford boys. We have been hugely impressed by Moulsford’s virtual school. It felt as if the school was so well prepared, organised and focussed right from the start and has continued to deliver an outstanding standard of schooling throughout. We realise how much forethought, effort, creative thinking, planning, and time this must take at every level in the school and we are truly grateful to you all.
"It has been brilliant to see how the Moulsford community spirit has been kept up by you all and also to see how much fun the boys are having whilst learning. They have remained excited and interested throughout. Thank you so very much to you and all of your amazing team of dedicated and inspiring teachers."
Parents of Year 7 boy
"What is being asked of you all is above and beyond and I take my hat off to you for how the school has dealt with the situation and the high standard of education you are still able to offer.
"I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all that the staff are doing and the support they have offered on top of the normal lessons.
"Our son has not found it easy and yet the staff have been there for him every step of the way. They have cajoled, encouraged, supported and it is so obvious to see a difference in his attitude and independence as a result (as well as an improvement in his work!).
"I cannot thank you, your staff and those behind the scenes enough for all you are doing and I just wanted you to know. I think what you are achieving is amazing and cannot imagine how difficult it must be."
Parents of Year 6 boy