At Moulsford, the subjects of History, Geography and Religious Studies are taught collaboratively under the umbrella of Humanities.
Whilst still being taught as three discrete subjects, the aim is for pupils to gain a cross-curricular education in the Humanities, forming connections and developing analytical skills to understand how they affect each other.
The aim of the History Department at Moulsford is simple - to make learning about the past as fun as possible!
With our cross-curricular approach, we are continually looking for connections with other subjects so Geography, RS, English and Science are all regularly linked to our study. The children are taught chronologically from Year 5 until the end of Year 8, so events are seen as moving forwards towards today.
Outdoor learning is a key part of our preferred teaching style – for example, re-enacting the Battle of Trafalgar in a fleet of kayaks, canoes and rafts on the River Thames.
As such we hope that every child will leave Moulsford with a love of history that will not only be taken to their next school, but also through into their later life.
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The underlying principle of the Geography Department is to give the pupils a love of the subject that remains with them for life.
Our pupils could be the decision makers of the future and Geography is a pivotal subject in moulding their minds for the years to come. In a world where there is such a divide between rich and poor, it is essential that the students understand, and have empathy for, those who are not as fortunate.
The curriculum studies a wide variety of physical and human geography issues, from the effects of tourism on the Inca Trail to the flooding issues in Tewkesbury.
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Religious Studies at Moulsford aims to be as relevant as possible to today’s society whilst retaining a traditional Biblical grounding.
The pupils study world religions, contemporary issues, historical figures, current affairs and moral dilemmas, helping them to acquire the knowledge and tools required to succeed in modern Britain. Religious Studies makes a unique and dynamic contribution to the spiritual, moral and cultural development of our pupils. We aim for them to think and question independently, to reflect on their own experience and beliefs, and to begin to develop a personal understanding and view on spiritual and moral matters in an open, honest and informed manner.
Philosophy and thinking skills are also an integral part of the curriculum. The department uses a variety of media from display artefacts, to audio-visual material, music, cultural insights, and wherever possible and appropriate, external visits and outside speakers. We have embraced the use of ICT, particularly with online discussions and collaborative pieces of work.
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