Another successful term of activities
Our after-school Activities Programme for the Spring term has almost concluded, after a term that featured a huge array of activities on offer for boys across the school.
The Pre-Prep have been given the opportunity to participate in Lego, Music and Movement, Cardboard Construction, Creative Drawing, Playball, Mindful Colouring, Comic Club, Golf and Board Games.
For the Juniors, there has been everything from 3D Construction to Ceramics, Gardening, Eco Film Making, British Sign Language, Power Pump, Spring Watercolours and the ever popular Climbing.
On offer for the Seniors has been First Aid, Cooking, Fighting Fit, Indoor Rowing, Escape Room Bridge and Science Club along with regulars Parkour, Judo and Fencing.
The Moulsford Activities Programme forms an integral part of the School day and The Moulsford Award, which was introduced last year, aims to recognise the need to develop the whole pupil, not just the academic side. The boys will be awarded credits in the following areas: Healthy Living, Performance & The Arts, Self-Development, Community / Service and Adventure. Each activity will have an MA credit in its description. Boys who achieve credits in all areas will receive the overall award and the credits reward progress and efforts as an individual, not their ability or talents. We are looking forward to seeing how many boys might receive a Moulsford Award next term.
We are looking forward to seeing how the boys progress in their activities next term, with the river sure to be featuring strongly!