Year 5 Wittenham Clumps

Humanities Trip

On Tuesday Year 5 set off on our Humanities trip to Wittenham Clumps to bring the Celts topic to life. Standing on top of the Iron Age hill fort, the boys got a real sense of what made it such a great place for a settlement. They spotted all the key features the Celts would have looked for—access to a river, plenty of building materials, fertile farmland, and, most importantly, a great vantage point to spot any approaching enemies.

Exploring the fortifications up close, they were fascinated by the sheer depth of the hand-dug ditch. When we talked about how invaders would have had to charge up the hill under a hail of arrows and stones, there was a definite sense of agreement—attacking this place would not have been fun!

Seeing history in front of them, at Castle hill, really helped the boys connect with their learning in a whole new way.

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