Our latest Educational and Compliance Inspection was conducted in March 2022 by the Independent Schools Inspectorate and the resulting report highlighted a number of areas the school excelled at.
A few of the key findings from the report can be found below:
- The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
- Pupils achieve extremely well in performing and creative arts.
- Pupils develop excellent communication skills.
- Pupils are highly adept at using technology to enhance their learning and transfer these skills effectively across the curriculum.
- Pupils’ attitudes to learning, particularly through collaboration, are excellent in the classroom, on the sports field and in a wide range of clubs and activities.
- The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.
- Pupils, including those who board, exhibit excellent social awareness in their relationships with their peers and with staff.
- Pupils develop very high levels of self-esteem, independence and self-confidence.
- Pupils have an excellent understanding of the importance of personal safety, including when online, and recognise the benefits of maintaining good physical and mental health.
- Pupils demonstrate an excellent understanding of the importance of good decision-making, in both academic pursuits and their broader school lives.
Other key excerpts
- Pupils with special education needs (SEND) show significant progress, especially in mathematics, and pupils of all abilities make rapid progress across the curriculum.
- Year 8 pupils are able to work collaboratively on a shared research project in real time on their individual devices showing that they are very well prepared for their future study and working lives.
- Pupils have had considerable success in debating competitions, junior maths challenge and public speaking, and they achieve well in nationally recognised drama and music examinations. They gain entry to a range of highly selective independent senior schools, with some winning academic, sports, music and other subject specific scholarships.
- Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning. They are keen to learn and have a positive attitude towards school. They work both individually and collaboratively with equal success and this is reflected in their conduct in class, which is enthusiastic, cooperative and highly engaged. Pupils are very keen to learn and improve.
- Pupils’ understanding of themselves beyond their academic achievement is excellent. They are self- confident and self-disciplined in their approach towards school life. Pupils exhibit very strong self-esteem, because they are comfortable in themselves, and because of the support and praise they receive from their teachers and their peers.
- They are self-reflective, resilient and conscientious, making the most of their opportunities, in readiness for the next stage of their education.
- Personal development of boarders is a particular strength of the school, due to the attention paid to their well-being. New boarders quickly are made to feel part of the boarding community, and staff are highly supportive of their emotional well-being. Boarders develop independence and responsibility in a caring environment that is designed to be a nurturing and supportive community.
- Pupils show outstanding relationships with peers and teachers, and their behaviour is almost always excellent.
- Pupils develop empathy and an understanding of the needs of those less fortunate than themselves.
- Pupils develop a strong sense of environmental responsibility.
- Older pupils show high levels of emotional maturity, whilst retaining their natural enthusiasm, acting as good role models to younger pupils.
- Pupils, including boarders, respect and value diversity within society.
ISI Inspection Report 2022
For a full copy of our 2022 Inspection Report please click here
Material Change Inspection 2022
As part of the process of opening the new Pre-Prep, the school was required by the Department of Education (DfE) to apply for a Material Change relating to the following three points:
- an increase in the number of pupils
- change of age range from 4-13 years to 3-13 years
- to include girls in the Moulsford Pre-School year (3 - 4 years)
The School submitted the Material Change application to DfE in May 2021. Due to Covid and other factors, there was a delay in carrying out the inspection, and in the meantime, we had a separate scheduled full educational and compliance inspection in March 2022, in which the school was awarded top grades. However, DfE stated that Moulsford still had to undergo the Material Change Inspection and this was eventually undertaken in September 2022. The school again achieved the best result possible, as well as having the three points listed above granted.