Teachers in the Pre-Prep recognise the importance of developing the whole child and that not all children learn at the same rate. The breadth of development in children aged between 4 and 7 can often be wide ranging. We specialise in supporting children in their own individual learning journey, which in conjunction with their family, creates a bespoke and specialist approach to development of the whole child.

Above all, learning should be fun, exciting and relevant.  Alongside daily lessons which make good use of the state of the art resources and outdoor space, children take part in a variety of trips, workshops and events which help bring their learning to life.

A rich and varied curriculum provides stimulation and breadth of discovery, looking both to the past and to the future, preparing today’s children for tomorrow’s world. Art, Judo, Drama, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, PE and Forest School are all taught by specialist teachers within our Pre-Prep. Individual music lessons can be arranged in a variety of instruments, for example piano, violin and guitar. All pupils have lessons in ICT and use interactive technology daily in other lessons. 

Since September 2022, the Pre-Prep is housed in a newly constructed state-of-the-art building next to the main school site, and since September 2023, the Pre-Prep has been co-educational, welcoming girls as well as boys.

The Pre-Prep is home to a Pre-School (Bobcats), Reception (Wildcats and Tigers), Year 1 (Pumas and Panthers) and Year 2 (Lions and Leopards). The co-educational Pre-School is for both boys and girls who have turned 3 years old. While the Pre-Prep is on a separate site across the road from the current buildings, Moulsford is one school with lots of interaction between the Pre-Prep and the Prep School.

From learning how to build a den during dedicated Forest School lessons, participating in Play Ball, through to fostering a life-long love of reading, writing and numbers, your child is given the opportunity to experience all aspects of life at Moulsford right from their first day in Pre-School.

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Features of Our Co-Ed Pre-Prep

Form Structure

Moulsford's co-ed Pre-Prep comprises a one-form entry to Pre-School, and a two-form entry into the following three year groups, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. 

In the Pre-School, whilst there is a natural emphasis on learning through play and having fun, there is also a strong educational focus.

Boys and girls in Reception start their school career with a balance of teacher-led lessons and child-initiated learning.  Their academic diet gradually changes as they make the transition from Early Years to Key Stage 1.

Literacy has an important focus in our Pre-Prep, with all pupils involved in daily phonics and reading sessions in addition to other Communication, Language and Literacy lessons.

By the time the boys and girls reach Year 2, they are used to timetabled subject lessons where there is a higher level of teacher-directed lessons with a mixture of whole class learning, guided learning in groups, paired peer learning and independent learning.

Pre-prep student engaged with drawing in an art class

Learning Support

The Pre-Prep Department liaises with both the Learning Support Department and the Gifted and Talented Coordinator so that the needs of boys and girls requiring help with their learning and those needing additional challenges can be met.

Special Projects

All are involved in joint projects, such as the Pre-Prep Christmas Nativity and whole school initiatives like World Book Day and Arts Week.  Pre-Prep congregates weekly for a reflective assembly where we focus on our school values and key events in the world.

Positive Rewards

Weekly assemblies where individual achievements and House Point scores are shared, allow children to mark their individual progress as well as celebrating being part of a team. Children are encouraged to win House Points for their house, as well as for their class. We have also recently introduced the Kindness, Courage and Curiosity badge which is awarded to children on a weekly basis for their contribution to the life of the Pre-Prep.  It celebrates the softer skills which are so important in an age where artificial intelligence is likely to dictate the future workplace.

There are plenty of opportunities for the Pre-Prep to help the school raise funds for charity, for example the Moulsford Mudder and Red Nose Day.


Reading for pleasure and developing a life-long love of reading is prioritised. Children bring home a reading book daily and additional Maths, English and Topic activities for those who are willing.

Transition to the Prep School

In preparation for transition to the Prep School, children are given the opportunity to take part in weekly activities which take place on the Prep school site and are taught by Prep school teaching staff. In addition, there are a range of activities planned to provide children with opportunities to meet their new teachers and explore the Prep school site in readiness for their move. A range of transition meetings are shared between Year 2 and Year 3 staff members to ensure a smooth transition and an open dialogue for both families and the children.

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What age is Pre-Prep school at Moulsford?

Our co-ed Pre-Prep starts at the age of 4 in Reception and continues until the age of 7 when boys move into the Prep School for Year 3. The Pre-School is open for boys and girls to start in the half term after they have turned 3.