Within an atmosphere of fun, enjoyment and achievement, we strive to promote and develop the natural creative skills and abilities of all our pupils.
From the earliest stages, all pupils are involved in public performances ranging from school assemblies and year group plays to our formal Carol Service at Christmas.
Music is highly valued at Moulsford, and the department offers a dynamic, varied and inspirational music education. Music offers endless opportunities for the children to develop skills and talents that can support learning in other subject areas. Development of concentration levels, listening and creative skills are all encouraged through the music programme.
Timetabled lessons are taught by specialist music staff whilst tuition in an ever increasing range of instrumental and vocal studies is delivered by a talented and well qualified group of visiting music teachers on a weekly basis. If we don’t have a teacher for your chosen instrument, we will endeavour to acquire one! Individual lessons are scheduled on a rota through the school day. Associated Board examinations are arranged each term as pupils progress through their grades.
The Music Department is well equipped, always striving to embrace technological advancements, whilst maintaining a strongly rooted classical tradition, with an emphasis on developing musical literacy and confident performing skills.
Over 75% of pupils learn at least one instrument, and the Prep school has 2 choirs (involving over 120 pupils), an orchestra and 3 ensembles, with regular performances for parents and other external audiences. Those wishing to pursue music scholarships at their chosen senior schools are well-prepared and fully supported.
Follow us on Twitter @MoulsfordMusic

Drama is an art form, a practical activity and an intellectual discipline. At Moulsford, pupils learn to apply their imaginations and draw upon their own personal experiences to produce a wide variety of work.
Our theatre is well-equipped to allow pupils to employ lighting and sound when performing in order to better support their acting skills.
In this way, students are given a stimulating and secure environment to effectively shape, express and share their ideas, feelings and responses, making use of language, space and general stagecraft.
To support their learning, all pupils are given opportunities to perform in school plays - allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the experience of theatre production. The Year 7 play each year is a particular highlight with recent performances including, The Hobbit, Toad of Toad Hall, Animal Farm, The Lion King and Joseph.
Pupils wishing to pursue drama scholarships at their chosen senior schools are well-prepared and fully supported.
Follow us on Twitter @MoulsfordDrama