Year 2 Cookery
Pre-Prep Virtual Moulsford

Lesson from Mrs Bun the Baker

Year 2 had the most wonderful time this week doing some cooking. Mrs Bun the Baker joined each class for an hour long session where the boys all produced 'Easy Peasy Pie' and some chocolate puffs. Our pies were both delicious and nutritious containing a fantastic amount of vegetables including: potatoes, broccoli, peas, sweetcorn and spring onions and to make them just a bit more special we also added ham, cheese and creme fraiche/double cream. The boys learnt how to safely position their fingers to make sure they keep them safe when using a knife to cut and they followed each step of the instructions faultlessly. They then topped their pies with puff pastry before glazing them and putting them in the oven. Quite rightly, Mrs Bun pointed out that we don't like waste and the only thing to do with the off cuts was to use them to wrap around cubes of chocolate making the most yummy, melt in the middle treats for pudding. There have been so many pictures of fantastic looking pies shared with myself and class teachers. I am sure that everyone was very proud of their efforts and hopefully will have a go making them again in the future.

Next week Year 1 and Bobcats are looking forward to their lesson, enjoy it boys!

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