The Great Outdoors
As we hurtle towards half term, it has been nice to slow down a little this week and begin to notice the very gradual signs of Spring appearing outside. Since I moved to Oxfordshire, I have been looking forward to spending more time outside and enjoying the beautiful countryside around Moulsford.
The children have helped me tremendously as I begin to settle in, and I have benefitted enormously from our daily chats over lunch and during playtime when I have been well informed about things the children do with their families at the weekend and the 'best bits' about being a pupil at Moulsford. My 'best bits' have been a mixture of assemblies for parents, Forest School and the levels of enthusiasm and willingness that every child has demonstrated when allowing me to join them in their activities and when leading assemblies. I have felt extremely welcome and the children have shown me so much kindness and trust. The highlight of the week is always our Friday assembly where we are able to celebrate the very special moments which are taking place almost daily, and Mr Beardmore-Gray joins us to share in the excitement of house points and Stars of the Week. The truth is, we could celebrate every day and find aspects of our learning and play to highlight after every activity.
With Children's Mental Health Week taking place over the last five days, it has helped us to focus on the exceptional importance of kindness and connecting with one another, which is of paramount importance when building a strong foundation for life. I have experienced this first hand and look ahead with excitement and further opportunity to be educated by the children through kindness and positivity, even on the coldest of mornings!
Well done to the following children for their outstanding contribution to the life of the Pre-Prep this week:
Aiden M - Bobcats
Wilfred J - Wildcats
Wyatt L - Pumas
Wilfred F - Panthers
Teddy A - Panthers
George W - Leopards
All of the Leopards and Lions for their fabulous assembly focusing on Our Wonderful World!