Amy Gemmell on her first few weeks at Moulsford
A huge thanks to all the children and their families who have welcomed me so warmly since I joined Moulsford Pre-Prep last week. I have had a wonderful time meeting so many new faces and really enjoyed telling the children a little bit about myself during our first assembly back. I did mention that I am a dab hand at a head stand, and thankfully it seems that many were listening as I have had several requests since!
Since the start of term I have joined in with a range of exciting activities taking place in the Pre-Prep, and there has been so much to enjoy ranging from Playball, Forest School and chatting over a delicious lunch to spending time with the Pre-Prep girls as they explained so animatedly why they love being part of this fabulous school. It's easy to see why the children are so happy here and it isn't hard to be swept along with the joy which comes from a large group of enthusiastic and busy children. During the PSHE lessons this week, we have been focusing on setting challenges and how to go about achieving our goals. The children identified that small, careful steps are often more successful than faster longer strides, and that thinking about the little things we can do everyday are just as important as focusing on the end result. Good advice I thought!