Celebrating our Values in Pre-Prep
Celebration Assembly, which takes place every Friday, is a wonderful time to come together and recognise the achievements taking place in the Pre-Prep each week. This week Mrs Gemmell presented the first ‘Kindness, Courage and Curiosity Badge’ to a pupil in the Pre-Prep. This will be awarded weekly to a member of our community who has demonstrated these qualities which are at the heart of a Moulsford education.
Beyond accomplishments in the classroom, there are so many examples of the three core values taking place during play, whilst eating lunch and even as the children arrive in school each morning. It is in these special moments, that the real essence of the school is captured and the children's characters shine out beyond their ability to access the more traditional curriculum. With this in mind, what better way than to celebrate these qualities than by introducing a new addition to our celebrations in the form the ‘Kindness, Courage and Curiosity Badge' which will be given to a different child every week for their ability to show kindness to others, demonstrate a 'can do' attitude and ask more questions!
Congratulations to Ptollo J of Leopards who has been awarded the first badge and certificate for his continued helpfulness in class, willingness to join in and excellent manners. Look out for the badges on blazers as a sign of those children who demonstrate these wonderful values and exemplify the spirit of Moulsford!