Assemblies and Trips Galore
The week started on an exciting note with an assembly focusing on the benefits of teamwork. I had planned an activity to include apples, hoops, cheering and children....what could go wrong I hear you say! However, the children quickly established that working together and running in the same direction as their partner would result in a quicker bite of the apple, and after some discussion around the best plan of action, the message delivered itself.
On the theme of assemblies, on Wednesday the Panthers and Pumas treated us to a creative feast of dancing and descriptive writing which culminated in a beautiful version of 'What a Wonderful World'. It was a triumph for the children to remember and deliver their lines in front of such a large audience and as I always think, highlights the progress each and every child has made since their arrival in the Pre-Prep.
On Tuesday, I was very kindly invited by the Wildcats to join them on their trip to The Living Rainforest. After we had addressed the main topic of conversation based around the best sandwich choice, we were treated to an excellent tour of the greenhouses and to our surprise, Cinnamon the Sloth appeared on his way to a different branch. This, alongside meeting Harry the hairy Armadillo, made for an exceptional morning matched only by the children's impeccable behaviour, courtesy and manners during their visit. I am so proud to be part of Moulsford Pre-Prep; well done everybody!
During our Friday assembly, the following children were awarded Star of the Week as a mark of their contribution to the Pre-Prep this week:
Austin L - Bobcats
Bobby H - Leopards
Freddie W - Wildcats
James A - Lions
Maxim RF - Lions
All of the Pumas and Panthers were awarded Star of the Week for their contribution to assembly on Wednesday.
Class House point winner.
Ted (formerly known as Fudge) will be joining the Pumas after they earned over one hundred house points for their Houses this week. Well done Pumas!
I took a few minutes to visit some of the classrooms this week and you can find my impromptu video here.