Lights, Camera, Action
On Monday the Bobcats and the Tigers warmed themselves up for lights, camera, action as their day of filming arrived. The Bobcats spent their morning in full costume in the theatre and experienced the fine art of sound recording as well as video recording. Mrs McKenzie, Mrs English and Mr Friend were enormously proud of them. The boys all sang their hearts out and performed their roles beautifully.
Tigers then took over in the afternoon and had an equally exciting experience. They loved recording their songs using the headphones- just like they were recording our own Number 1 hit single! They then dressed up as the characters from the Nativity story and acted perfectly. Mrs Haywood, Mrs Thatcher and Miss Shirfield are all so proud of them - well done, Tigers!
Tuesday brought with it the day of Year 2's performance. With three classes to coordinate, seven songs to record, three soloists to perform and eight scenes to record this was no mean feat. Our choice of play this year was 'The Inn-spectors'; a group of very particular hotel inspectors descend on Bethlehem to make sure the accommodation is up to scratch. Imagine their horror when they hear a stable is being used for guests! How will this unfold? Will Mr and Mrs Innkeeper be in trouble? Will the Inn-spectors understand? Everyone worked their socks off all day until Mr Squire and Miss Gould could confidently say 'that's a wrap'. All of the boys did their absolute best and Mrs McMann was hugely impressed with the quality of their performances. We can't wait for everyone to be able to see the finished version. A huge thank you to everyone who pulled together to make this year's nativity a success and a particular thank you to Miss Gould, Mr Squire and Miss Wilkinson and all of the teaching and teaching assistant team without whom it definitely would not have happened.