Head's Blog: Moulsford Lion Heart Award
Head's Blog

The rugby season drew to a close this week with 213 boys from Years 5-8 having the opportunity to play for the school on Wednesday. Representing Moulsford for a fixture is such a great experience for boys. Not only does it give them a great sense of pride, but putting on the Moulsford kit helps to reinforce so many valuable life skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, resilience, learning to win magnanimously and to lose gracefully. This season we have played 252 rugby matches and each of these provides an opportunity to develop these skills further.

One of the features of Moulsford sport is inclusivity, and we have worked particularly hard to embed this ethos in the games department over the past few years. A tangible example of this policy is the Lion Heart Award, which is presented to individual boys weekly in assembly after a group of fixtures. Lion Hearts are awarded on effort and all-round contribution to the team cause and it has been super to see boys from across the teams as recipients. At Thursday’s assembly, boys from the U10E, U11E, U12A and U13A received the award, and the breadth of involvement has been a similar story throughout the season.

For fifty boys the rugby season will be extended by two weeks when their tour to South Africa departs on 28th March. By making this a non-selective tour, all boys in Years 7 and 8 have the chance to be involved on this wonderful trip. There will, of course, be plenty of further opportunities for boys to develop resilience: the rugby will be tough and, no doubt, our hosts will be reminding us of the World Cup Final result!


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