Community is at the heart of Moulsford and we so enjoy the strong connections we have with Old Moles, senior school staff and all those who have links with our School.
On Wednesday it was a delight to welcome back to Moulsford six Old Moles - George B, Ben B, Ollie J, James H, Thomas F and Will M – all of whom are now in the Sixth Form at Abingdon, and very kindly returned to us to help coach rugby. They loved being back at the School (and gaining entry into the Staff Room) and were outstanding role models to the current Moulsford boys. Five of the current Abingdon 1st XV are Moulsford boys, as is Felix D, Abingdon’s Head Boy.
This week we have also welcomed staff from Harrow and Pangbourne College to referee and coach games sessions to our children, and we look forward to welcoming staff from Radley and Marlborough very shortly to do the same. Abingdon very kindly recently hosted a Prep School Heads’ conference which I organised and this was an excellent opportunity for me to visit the School again, forge further links with many of their staff, as well as catching up with some of the many Old Moles who are currently at the School. Today, Henry Weeks (Moulsford’s Head of Scholars) is at Eton having a tour of College (home of the King’s Scholars) and meeting up with the eight ‘Etonian’ Old Moles. Two of these, Theo H and Gilby B, both of whom left Moulsford last year, joined us for lunch on Monday to talk to our older children about the senior school experience.
Fred Thorp, who left the School in 2019, joined the Moulsford staff last week as a Junior Teaching Assistant. It has been such a pleasure to welcome Fred back to Moulsford before he goes off travelling and then on to Exeter University. It was particularly special to see a number of Old Moles with their young families at our recent Pre-Prep Stay & Play event last Saturday, as the next generation of children begin their lifelong journey as members of our wonderful community.