Head's Blog: The Importance of Sport
Head's Blog

Sport is such an important part of School life, and I have so enjoyed watching the children out on the pitches this term. High quality coaching and opportunity for all is so important to us, but our main aim is developing sporting passions for life. We have been delighted to welcome two outstanding new coaches to our sports department this term. Keagan Sheppard, who played Provincial cricket in South Africa and also has a passion for rugby, has joined us from the Oratory Prep School. Tom Finnie has coached tennis at Moulsford for many years and now joins our sports team, and brings with him his experience as a semi-professional rugby player.

Moulsford sport starts from the day your children arrive with us. It was lovely to observe Lee Chaffey (Director of Sport) and Ollie Corbett run a really exciting games session for the Year 1 boys and girls on Thursday, and all Pre-Prep children also have weekly Playball sessions with Matt MacKinnon. Parents may be aware that my house is immediately adjacent to the Pre-Prep. With my children now grown up (my youngest starts at university on Saturday) we have donated half our garden to the Pre-Prep, and I loved watching all the Year 2 children enjoy themselves there during their breaktimes this week. It’s a win win as the children get a flat playing field and I get my lawn mown by the School! 

Moulsford has traditionally held a number of Saturday fixtures for Years 5 – 8, which have obvious benefits for the children.  Saturday games also present a great opportunity for parents to meet each other, which in turn helps to strengthen our community - we recognise that not all parents can get to Wednesday matches.

We are very keen that our Saturday match tradition continues to be an integral part of Moulsford life. However, to keep this fixture list strong and competitive, we need your support and would ask that parents and children commit to these games if selected for a school team. We do hope parents are enjoying match teas which have relocated back to their spiritual home on the Sports Hall balcony.

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