Head's Blog: Move Up Day
Head's Blog

‘Move Up Day’ is always so very special, with excitement and anticipation on many different levels. I have so enjoyed going around the classes today, and watching all the wonderful activities taking place, as children settle into their new environments.

For the children, today gives a glimpse into next year and all the adventures it holds, as well as a chance to meet their new teachers and make new friends. I’m aware that some children were so eager to get to Moulsford this morning, that they were up and ready for school at dawn, giving their parents an early morning alarm call.  I am sure they will have been forgiven as there is nothing more rewarding for parents than seeing your own children’s enthusiasm, and watching them grow, progress and develop – and Move Up Day is affirmation of this. For teachers, the day is such a wonderful opportunity to get to know the children better, and to use this knowledge to further shape a really exciting experience for them from September. I know the Moulsford community will have especially enjoyed welcoming all the new children and their families to the school today, as they embark on the beginning of their very exciting journey with us.

At the other end of the Moulsford experience, as is tradition, on finishing their Common Entrance (CE) exams on Thursday, our Year 8 boys wore their ties as bandanas, and ran around the school grounds, building up their appetite for a delicious Mr Whippy ice cream. Many congratulations to the boys who have worked really hard in preparation for either the scholarship or CE exams and now embark on a really exciting leavers’ programme - more to follow on this in the coming weeks.

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