Head's Blog: Welcome Back to Moulsford
Head's Blog

I still have very strong and happy memories from my childhood of the start of the new academic year and all the excitement it brought - the fresh uniform, new football boots, full pencil case, seeing friends and most of all the anticipation of all that the year ahead held. It has been a joy to receive our new children to Moulsford this week as they begin their very exciting educational journey with us. I also love seeing the excitement on the faces of our returning children, who (often with their parents) cannot quite believe they have reached the dizzy heights of their new year group.

We have a had a super start to term, and there has been a proper buzz across the whole school. I have loved visiting classrooms and the games pitches across both the Pre-Prep and the Prep School and observing as our teachers guide your children through the wealth of adventure and opportunity which lies ahead. Our School values of Kindness, Courage and Curiosity are always at the centre of all we do.

A defining feature of Moulsford is community, and it is such a pleasure to welcome so many new families to the School. Last night Sarah B-G and I hosted the Form Reps and members of the Parents Association for drinks in the Pre-Prep. It was such a lovely evening and we are particularly grateful to this group for the incredibly important role they play in the partnership between the School and the parents, and especially all they do to welcome the new members of our community.

On Saturday we have our first sports fixtures of the year, against Cheam, for boys in Years 5 to 8. Following the heavy rain this week, please can we ask Moulsford parents to park on the school drive or in the staff car park, so that we reduce the number of cars parking on the rather soggy back field.  Match tea is moving back to its former pre-Covid venue of the Sports Hall balcony, and we look forward to seeing many of you there.

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