We continue to have some thrilling cricket matches this season with thirteen well contested games against The Dragon last Saturday, followed by one hundred and thirty boys representing Moulsford against Abingdon Prep on Wednesday. Where we possibly can we aim to involve all the boys in fixtures, but this is not always feasible.
A wonderful initiative introduced by Lee Chaffey, who became our Director of Sport in January, has been the new Wednesday programme for those boys in Years 5 to 8 not playing in matches. This is transforming Wednesdays and giving boys a taste of the many sporting opportunities that lie beyond the standard team sports, which they can then choose to explore further through the after school Activities programme.
This week, Year 7 boys honed their golf and tennis skills at The Oratory, while Year 5, 6 and 8 boys played a combination of flag football, tennis, canoeing, paddle-boarding, kayaking, and frisbee golf. The Wednesday programme is about discovery, and opening the children’s eyes to what is out there. The aim is to ignite a passion for both individual sports, and sport in general, by providing breadth of opportunity, while fostering growth, resilience and confidence along the way. As this term progresses further match day opportunities will be introduced for the boys, such as real tennis, rowing, handball, and water polo.