Assistant Head Pastoral's Blog: Courage
Head's Blog

In a change from my usual weekly ‘Word from the Head’, I felt it would be nice to hear other voices, so on a fortnightly basis I shall be sharing this platform with the Deputy Head and Assistant Heads, beginning this week with Vicki Rae, Assistant Head Pastoral.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first three weeks at Moulsford, getting to know the pupils and seeing all the amazing academic and co-curricular activities that are on offer for them. Outstanding pastoral care is at the centre of everything we do, and I have been impressed by the dedication and commitment of all the staff, and how well they know the pupils.

My first whole school assembly focused on Courage, one of our core values, which sits alongside Kindness and Curiosity. We often think of courage as something dramatic and heroic, but courage is much more than that. It’s about the little moments in our daily lives. So I asked the pupils to think about examples of everyday courage:

“Standing up to a bully.” Speaking out against bullying is an act of courage that helps create a safer and kinder school environment.

“Supporting a friend through a difficult time.” Being there for someone who is struggling, shows bravery and compassion.

“Trying out for a team or auditioning for a play.” Taking the leap to put yourself out there, despite the fear of rejection, demonstrates courage and self-belief.

I reminded the children that courage isn’t always about doing something extraordinary. Make small, brave choices every day. Face your fears, stand up for what’s right, and be true to yourself.

And whilst I have this opportunity, please can I ask you to remind your child that we have high expectations around the general tidiness and appearance of all pupils. Please can you ensure pupils have the correct named uniform in school.There are a number of pupils who may not be able to wear the uniform due to injury, medical, physical or sensory reasons. We have therefore introduced a Uniform Pass in the Prep school, which is available from Form Heads, should the need arise. Many thanks for your support in this matter.

Vicki Rae, Assistant Head Pastoral

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