Certificates Presented to Years 5 and 6
The Primary Mathematics Challenge (PMC) is a fun and exciting mathematical Challenge aimed at pupils in Years 5 and 6 across England and Wales, which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary.
The PMC is not designed to be just another test in the school year but a means of encouraging enthusiasm, boosting confidence in mathematics and showing the different way questions can be asked and answered.
The importance of problem solving is also highlighted as a means of helping pupils develop their reasoning skills as the PMC is designed to make pupils think outside the box. The questions asked are not necessarily subjects that have been covered in the curriculum by this time but the questions can create a great starting point and lead to discussions later in the year. The PMC ensures the questions are not heavily reliant on formal mathematical knowledge, but can be solved by logical reasoning. Pupils also need to read the questions carefully!
The PMC paper has 25 questions, 20 of these are multiple choice with the final five requiring an answer where no choices are given.
This year across both Year 5 and 6, we had 63 Certificate Winners; 30 Bronze; 22 Silver and 11 Gold. Congratulations to all!