Pre Prep Trip to the Panto
Extra Curricular Pre-Prep

Pre-Prep Pantomime

A drab and dank Tuesday morning was filled with the air of excitement as Pre Prep arrived at the Watermill Theatre in Newbury for this year’s pantomime.

We filed in (having of course first visited the toilet - an obligatory with any Pre Prep outing) to our seats and waited with baited breath for the production of Sleeping Beauty to begin. The story was portrayed beautifully with all of the cast playing instruments, singing and dancing.  The princess pricked her finger on the only spinning wheel in the land on the eve of her 16th birthday and as promised fell into a deep sleep.

We were treated to an ice cream during the interval and then it was time for the second half.  A number of "unsuitable" princes turned up to try and claim her hand but she was finally awoken with a kiss from a handsome and brave young prince.  With the addition of a couple of ogres, and a fairy that broke wind every time she cast  a spell (which was, as you can imagine, a huge hit) the pantomime came to a close and we headed back to school for a wonderful hot curry lunch. 

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