Head of Boarding Reviews the Term
Parents Event

Our Head of Boarding sums up the Autumn Term in the boarding house

Throughout the course of this term we have had a fantastic, action-packed time. We have had the opportunity to do a number of fun and varied activities such as Boarding Masterchef and the Boarder’s Quiz (although sadly my tutor group did not win!). There has been a wonderful mix of work and fun.

The new boarding staff have settled in extremely well. It was strange them welcoming us and us welcoming them! The recent refurbishment has added another bonus to Moulsford Boarding, with the redecoration of the dormitories, the new pool table and the boarders’ kitchen. We have also re-introduced a system where on Tuesday nights each dorm can decide on the choice of supper for the evening. This is great and really looked forward to by the boys who decide and generally by the whole house.

We have had great fun this term with the dark evenings playing our traditional Torch Game outside, which we all love to play – it is extremely popular throughout the year groups. With Christmas coming, we all very much looked forward to wearing our Christmas jumpers as we decorated the Christmas tree last Monday, and next we have the Boarder’s Christmas Party.  I know that it will be a lot of fun and that hopefully everyone will enjoy it. Merry Christmas to all the boys and staff of the Boarding House.

Harry Alderson, Head of Boarding Autumn Term 2016

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