Annual Old Moles Football
Old Moles Sport

Moulsford hosts its third Football Social

In early March we hosted our lockdown leavers, the Class of 2020, for an Old Moles vs Staff football match, five years after the boys left Moulsford. We were fortunate to enjoy blue skies and sunshine and it finally felt like Spring was in the air.

We were delighted to welcome 34 Old Moles and their parents back to school, just a few months before they leave their senior schools. With so many old boys attending, we were able to make two Old Moles teams who then played the staff and each other in a triangular tournament.

Our first match was Old Moles versus staff and it was clear from the outset that both teams were keen to secure victory! The second match featuring the two teams of Old Moles was a lot of fun with smiles aplenty on both the pitch and the sidelines. It was then the turn of the other Old Moles team to face the staff and despite a valiant effort, the staff were victorious in both games and came out as champions for the third year running.

After the match, it was wonderful to welcome a group of 110 featuring Old Moles, their parents, and the Staff to the dining room for a delicious chilli, and witness the year group back together enjoying each other’s company and catching up on old times. We don’t think any of them ever expected to be back in their Prep School dining room enjoying a beer with their teachers!

Thanks to all those who attended and helped to make the event so special. We wish all the 2020 leavers good luck in their upcoming A Levels or IB exams, and send our best wishes as they move on to the next stage of their lives.

With three defeats in two years, we now look to the 2021 Old Moles to try to earn their place in history with a victory next year (perhaps having 18th birthday celebrations the night before hasn’t been helping)

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