Old Moles and New Moles
The coming weekend will be an extremely busy one at Moulsford with two exciting events taking place alongside the normal sporting fixtures.
On Saturday, we look forward to hosting 61 children for our inaugural Gymnastics & Parkour open event, of which 27 are our current Reception and Year 1 pupils. We are extremely grateful to Liam Sargeant of Escape Parkour, Gymnastics & Fitness, who will run this session with help from many of our staff, and we look forward to welcoming both our current and visiting families who are due to attend. Some of our children already know the fun and exhilaration of parkour through the after school activities programme, and we hope this session will inspire many more!
At the other end of the Moulsford journey, Sunday promises to be a very special day, as we welcome 34 of the 2020 leavers and their families back to Moulsford. These boys, now in their final year at their senior schools, will have an opportunity to catch up with old friends and their Moulsford teachers, before they move on to the next stage of their lives. We look forward to hearing about their experiences since leaving Moulsford, learning about their exciting plans from July onwards, and re-connecting with both them and their families.
A greatly anticipated football triangular tournament will take place against the staff with the Old Moles keen to win a place on the coveted shield, given that the staff have been victorious for the last two years. Many thanks in advance to our wonderful school catering team who are providing lunch afterwards for everyone in the dining room, including Moulsford Goo to celebrate a number of recent 18th birthdays among the group! We know there is an 18th party the night before the game, and we think this may give the staff an advantage on Sunday! As I will remind everyone, once a pupil at Moulsford, always an Old Mole, and once a parent at our school, always a member of our community. How funny to think of our current Year 8s and their parents returning for this event in 2030.