Head's Blog: Spring Term 2025
Head's Blog

Welcome to the Spring Term 2025

We have so enjoyed welcoming all the children back for what has been a very smooth start to the new term. In my first Prep School assembly of the New Year, I tasked the children to reflect on what their 2025 resolutions might be, strongly encouraging them to link them to Moulsford’s values of Kindness, Courage and Curiosity. We also discussed the inevitable obstacles that might stop us fulfilling our resolutions and how we might overcome these. Do test your children to see if they can remember both my resolution and the barriers that could get in the way! I then whizzed across the road for Amy Gemmell’s first assembly as our new Head of Pre-Prep. We are so delighted to welcome Amy to Moulsford and she has loved getting to know both the Pre-Prep children and many Moulsford parents this week.

We also give a very warm welcome to three other new members of our community. Georgina Kennedy will become very familiar with everyone at the Pre-Prep as she will be working in the front reception on Thursdays and Fridays. Jo Koulloupas joins the Year 4 team as a Teaching Assistant, and Issy Wilson is with us for the Spring term as a Junior Teaching Assistant.

While we’ve only been back at school for a few days, we’ve packed in a lot in a short space of time. Year 6 had a fabulous STEM trip to Silverstone today, and really enjoyed the interactive nature of their visit. 8E, 8R and 8M have had an action-packed team building day at the Ridgeway Adventures Activity Centre. It was great to hear that both groups were complemented on their manners and behaviour by the organisations’ staff. Well done to 8W who have completed their Scholarship mock exams this week. The frozen pitches have made sport a challenge, but it’s been great to witness both the enthusiasm of the children and the creativity of the Moulsford games staff – a winning combination!

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