Boys enjoy a French Breakfast
The boys in Year 3 have been working extremely hard on their French since the beginning of term and have developed a wide vocabulary and some beautiful accents. As a reward for their efforts they had the opportunity to showcase their French phrases in a practical way at the annual French Breakfast on Friday. The dining hall was decorated with menus that all the Year 3 boys had created whilst learning their breakfast food and drinks en français! This year the boys were very lucky as they had their Year 7 Buddies joining them, the first time this has happened! All enjoyed a lovely meal and the Year 3s had some great modelling of French phrases from their Year 7 helpers!
Dressed in the colours of the tricolore and with many wearing French-themed attire, the boys enjoyed using their high-frequency phrases combined with their newly learnt food and drink words and wowed us all with their pronunciation. They enjoyed “un pain au chocolat, de la confiture, un jus d’orange et un chocolat chaud”. We were all very impressed with their efforts - félicitations les garçons!!
We couldn’t do it without our amazing kitchen staff so a big thank you, as always, for their efforts behind the scenes. Bravo!