Internet Safety
Pastoral Talks and Assemblies

E-safety workshops

On Tuesday, Alan Mackenzie, an e-Safety Adviser who has a long-standing relationship with Moulsford, presented workshops for the boys in Years 6 to 8. It was fantastic to welcome Alan back in person after last year’s virtual talks.

Many issues were covered in the sessions and Alan gave a very interesting overview of the history of the internet and technology. He also talked about Section 230, the law in America that generally provides immunity for website platforms for any third-party content published as well as the new Online Safety Bill currently being debated in the UK.

The workshops also discussed gaming, social media and issues surrounding disinhibition where being behind a screen can make it much easier to do or say something to someone compared to standing in front of them.

Form Heads and Mr Hamilton-Smith, Deputy Head (Pastoral), also attended the workshops, which enables them to fully understand the current issues surrounding the internet so that they can continue the conversation with the boys on an ongoing basis.

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