The last three days of term had two particular highlights for me. On Wednesday, we had a wonderful final afternoon of activities for all the boys led by Matt McKinnon in the Pre-Prep and James Springer for Years 3 to 8. There was the most fabulous community atmosphere as boys participated in a variety of ‘It’s a Knockout’ style games, and enjoyed some good old fashioned fun. It was a lovely way to end the most unusual of terms.
The second event which really impressed me was the Year 6 Genius Hour, which has been run as a special project since the boys’ return on 8th March. This concept is closely related to Year 7 Dragons' Den, and gives the boys an excellent introduction to the skills involved in developing a multi-disciplinary project. A number of boys presented their ideas to me on Tuesday afternoon, and I learnt about ideas for nature conservation, coding tutorials, bullying prevention and climate change. One concept which has captured the interest of many Moulsford boys is Ben P-P’s nature photography competition, and we anticipate plenty of entries showcasing the new life that Spring brings.
I was so impressed by the boys’ creativity, passion and confidence, and while preparing their ideas, the boys are developing numerous invaluable life skills. The new Moulsford curriculum, launched in 2017, allows us the freedom to give the boys an education which is contextual and directly relevant for the world they will inherit. To find out more about the Genius Hour, please click here. Thank you to the staff who organised and ran the project.
At the end of the Summer term we will say farewell to Michelle Guy, our Head of Maths, who leaves us to become Head of Maths at Great Marlow, a co-educational state secondary school. Michelle will leave the Moulsford Maths department in excellent shape. Ellie Wilkinson, who teaches in Year 2, also leaves us to move to Cambridge, and Alanah Shirfield, who is a Teaching Assistant in Year 1, moves on to start a PGCE. We aim to make new appointments to all these posts during the Summer term, and will keep you posted. Finally, we also say farewell this term to two of our Junior Teaching Assistants, Connie Dutton and Billie Moore. We wish them all the very best and thank them for all that they've done over the last two terms.
Thank you for all your support this term, and we wish you a very Happy Easter.