Year 5 Maths Detectives
Virtual Moulsford Academic

Investigating Practical Perimeters

Last week the boys in Year 5 were given a Maths investigation task to help them become Maths detectives and get some time away from their screen being practical and creative. Ms Guy explained that all really great mathematicians love sniffing out patterns and looking for clues along the way to help them solve maths problems - so she wanted the boys to put on their Maths detective hats and get investigating!

The boys were given a task sheet and asked to cut out two rectangles and then create new shapes with them, measure their perimeters, find the smallest and largest perimeters and look for patterns. They had the choice to continue working with more rectangles or look at triangles and see what they could find out.

They were asked to take photos of their work as they progressed through the task and write up all of their findings and present them in a clear and creative way. Ms Guy and Mr Sparrow were incredibly impressed with the effort from all of the boys, with Theo H making a particularly effective Maths sleuth!

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