Happy Monday
Virtual Moulsford Pastoral

Banishing the blues

The third Monday in January is traditionally known as ‘Blue Monday’, the most miserable day of the year. However, the staff at Moulsford wanted to banish the January blues and instead designated it Happy Monday. Basically we wanted to keep a smile on the boys’ faces (and our own of course!) and give the Moulsford community some much-needed laughter.

Lots of forms dressed up for the occasion with fancy dress on display, silly hats in Year 3 (including Basil, Mr and Mrs Noble’s dog) and lots of bright clothing filling the screens.

In Year 7 the boys were encouraged to create happy lunches and there were some brilliant smiley faces and colourful dishes on display. However Hector B’s neon birthday pancakes took some beating!

Led by Mrs Guy the Year 8 boys were encouraged to wear something that made them happy and wrote down three things they were grateful for. After watching a video of their teachers performing to a song by the Happy Mondays (amazing effort from the Year 8 staff) the boys were encouraged to listen to their favourite tunes!

It was wonderful to see lots of happy faces during the day and we hope that it lifted the spirits at home as well.

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