Assembly on Sustainability
Talks and Assemblies Whole School

Moulsford Goes Green!

The boys, and many of the staff, are very keen to make us more environmentally friendly as a community.  After taking some advice from the local Treehouse Eco School, I launched the beginnings of this initiative in assembly on Wednesday, with the help of EcoMan.

I am very aware that the whole school needs to be on board with this in order to implement the changes we desperately need to make, so to begin with I am asking for ideas from the boys. I have asked them to look at how we recycle our rubbish as a community, both in school and after school events.  Can we reuse/upcycle more things or donate more of the things we no longer need to a better place?

I also talked about food waste.  Can we find ways to cut down on the huge amount of food waste we create every day, as well as consider the amount of meat we consume?  Can we make more of the school garden and spend more time appreciating the environment we live in and the animals we share it with?  Are we using unnecessary amounts of paper, electricity, plastic, etc and can we cut down on this waste? 

There are so many things we could, and should, be doing but it will take time and effort from all of us. I have a list of 22 members of staff that are very keen to help the boys implement their ideas and they will be thinking of other ideas too, which they, in turn, will need the boys’ help with. I want this to become a conversation amongst us all so any ideas from parents would also be very welcome. If you could chat with your boys about this at home it would help to get them thinking about ideas which could eventually make us a much greener place to be.

I would love Moulsford to become a Green Flag school......there is a long way to go before this happen,s but I am sure we can do it if we all pull together as a community.  To use the 5 values which the Headmaster extols: 


Let’s Go Green!

This is an OPPORTUNITY for our whole COMMUNITY to SUPPORT the world,

Which is ROUND(ED) and this will make us and many others HAPPY!


Jess Roberts

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