Le Petit Déjeuner délicieux
A favourite date in the Year 3 calendar is the much-anticipated French Breakfast – ‘Le Petit Déjeuner’, which took place on Friday. All of the boys have been working hard this term on learning their food and drink vocabulary and perfecting their French accents. As they arrived in the Dining Room they discovered that it had been transformed into a Parisian Café (ooh la la!), and the French soon started flowing. The boys, all dressed in the colours of the Tricolore, demonstrated their beautiful accents whilst enjoying “un pain au chocolat, de la confiture, un jus d’orange et un chocolat chaud”. We were all very impressed with their efforts - très bien, les garçons!!
Huge thank you as always goes to our amazing kitchen staff for all of their efforts behind the scenes, we couldn’t do it without you. Merci beaucoup!!