Fantastic effort this term
There has been a genuine buzz since the beginning of term with so many different things happening on the charity front, both for our school charities and further afield. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole Moulsford Community for all their support.
At the beginning of term, we were delighted to host five schools for disabled and disadvantaged children through our UK-based school charity Rivertime Boat Trust to go canoeing on the river. The positive impact that the opportunity to go on the river had on the young people involved was tangible in the many thank you letters we received from them. One letter, written in Braille, said, “I liked listening to the birds and hearing the trains go by”.
More recently, Year 6 boys have been busy raising money for a number of charities. Noah B has been collecting stationery from the boys in his year to send out to a school in Uganda on behalf of the Costa Foundation. Noah completely took the lead on this, designing posters, spreading the word and collecting the stationery items from classrooms. A tremendous effort from Noah that will make the world of difference.
Archie D-P and Ben A organised a sweepstake in Year 6 for the Rugby World Cup in support of SKRUM, a charity based in Swaziland that helps young people to make healthy life choices through the medium of rugby.
Looking ahead to the rest of the academic year, we welcomed Restless Development who gave an assembly earlier this week, about the Bradfield Triathlon coming up on Sunday 17th May 2020. This is the fourth year that Moulsford boys have been invited to take part in this terrific event. Last year the Moulsford boys raised over £7,000! The deadline to register for the triathlon is Friday 29th November. Please click here for more information.
Then on Monday 2nd December Year 7 Charity Prefect Matthew M has organised another toy collection for Reading Family Aid.
On top of this, there has been a lot of fundraising going on for our other school charity Inspire. This has included Moulsfest, the Sporting Lunch and some impressive individual events taken on by boys.
These are just a few examples of how as a community we have given our time and shared what we have with those less fortunate than ourselves and that is really, what it is all about. The boys have truly been an inspiration to us all and we are extremely grateful for all their efforts.