Senior Schools’ Humanities Meeting
Talks and Assemblies

Introducing the new curriculum

On Tuesday, we welcomed staff from: St Edwards, Oxford, Radley College, Wellington College and Marlborough College to an afternoon which was centred around our humanities programme which we have introduced to replace Common Entrance in History, Geography and RS. The afternoon began with a selection of boys from Years 6-8 discussing what they have done in their lessons over the course of the year. The boys were very impressive at talking about not just what they have learnt but also how they have been learning and the different presentation methods they have been using.

Following the discussion with the boys, Moulsford staff continued talking with their senior school colleagues about the links between prep and senior school education and how we can prepare the boys for the world they are going to inherit. What came across very clearly was how the senior schools were impressed with the forward thinking nature of our humanities programme. As technology takes over the need for us to remember huge amounts of knowledge, our aim to develop a wider variety of skills is clearly perceived by the senior schools as the right direction to be taking.

Andrew Gist of Marlborough said, “If you needed any assurance that you were doing the right thing, the reaction of those boys should tell you everything. And the response of all the senior school representatives proves that you’re pushing at an open door.”

Tom Norton from Radley commented, “It was pleasing to see the enthusiasm with which the boys spoke about the topics they had been studying.  I also found much food for thought about how we approach our Year 9 programme.”

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