Head's Blog: Senior School Relationships
Head's Blog

It has been a busy couple of weeks for 8M who have been visiting their senior schools for academic scholarship exams.  By the end of next week, most will be completed with only Eton carrying things over into the summer term.

While the scholars have been busy putting all their knowledge and academic skills to the test, we have had an interesting week with a lot of contact between Moulsford and the senior schools.  On Monday, I was invited by Bradfield to the Independent Schools Football Association Cup Final at Milton Keynes football stadium.  Bradfield secured a 3-1 victory over Repton, and it was excellent to watch Old Mole Billy Bolt contribute to Bradfield’s success.  

Also on Monday, five Moulsford pianists were invited to take part in a Piano Extravaganza at Radley, where twenty-one children played an arrangement of the ‘Dr Who’ theme simultaneously on seven Steinway pianos.  Please see the news item and photos below of what was was quite an event! Tonight, I am attending the Foundation Dinner at Abingdon School, a ‘black tie’ event with the title ‘A Spirit of Adventure’.

On the sporting front, boys of all ranges of ability have recently benefited from the following visitors:  Nick Wood and Peter Bennett, Head of Rugby and Hockey at Radley and Matt Gold, the Head of Rugby from Abingdon.  A sports coach and a Housemaster from Cheltenham College will be visiting shortly and Rugby School is also sending a hockey and rugby coach to assist with games for an afternoon. All these links serve to strengthen Moulsford’s relationships with our key senior schools.



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