Goblin Kit Cars DT Project

Year 6 test drive their cars

One of the most popular purchases made by the MPA recently has been the Goblin kit cars, which enable the boys to work together to build their own cars.  The beauty of the kits is that they can then be dismantled, allowing the next group to have a turn. 

6B have been waiting for the right weather– last week it was snowing, the week before it was raining and finally this Thursday we had glorious sunshine which enabled the boys to get out onto the Astro to test drive their cars.  Kitted out in their bright orange overalls, they made the final adjustments and then each boy took turns within their teams to drive – starting off with a ‘test run’ where their team mates pushed them round the course to let them get the hang of steering.  Then Miss Roberts ‘fired up’ the engines ie turned the key as these are electric engines, which the boys have wired themselves, and they were off! 

This has been a great project which has taught the boys many useful skills, including team work.

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