Head's Blog: Excitement for Moulsfest is Mounting!
Head's Blog

Community spirit is one of the greatest assets of Moulsford. Moulsfest, which takes place on the afternoon of Saturday 30th September will be a wonderful example of this. The central focus of the event is to raise funds for the two charities associated with the South Africa Rugby Tour in July 2018, a trip which involves seventy Year 7 & 8 boys. These charities are SKRUM (link to www.skrum.org) and the Goedgedacht Trust (link to www.goedgedacht.org).

So far, 380 tickets have been sold and festival-goers will enjoy a wide range of activities including: three bands, a classic car display, dancing, stalls and many children’s activities such as hair-braiding, face painting, splat the rat, welly-wanging, a penalty shootout, bouncy castles and various other inflatables.

Running concurrent with this event will be the Moulsford 147, a river-based challenge for the South Africa tourists who will aim to complete 147 miles (the length of the river) on the Thames between them in various Moulsford craft. In doing so, the boys will raise funds for the costs of the tour itself.

If you have not already purchased a ticket, it is not too late to do so. Please click here for details. In particular we would expect to see all the South Africa tourists at the event so that they can play their part in the Moulsford 147. We have deliberately kept the afternoon free of fixtures so boys can attend. Please join us for what should be a wonderful afternoon. My thanks to Sam Pritchard and her team for all the hard work they have put in to organising the event to date.



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