Celebration Assembly

A new addition to the timetable

As part of the re-structuring of the timetable, we are delighted to now include a special slot for celebrating outstanding work or achievements.  Celebration Assemblies will rotate every three weeks or so with congregational singing practice. 

We held our first Celebration Assembly on Wednesday, and it was a pleasure to be able to announce so many excellent achievements so early on in the term.  A group of Year 8s were mentioned for their endeavours in DT, for a task building a bridge out of plastic designed and printed through the 3D printers.

George JDB in Year 3 read out his fabulous poem, with Tom D and Harry W, also both in Year 3, receiving mentions for their poems.

From Pre-Prep, Charlie G in Pumas (Year 1), Jacob A in Panthers (Year 1) and James T in Leopards (Year 2) were all mentioned for their outstanding contributions.

Many congratulations to all those who received mentions in this first Celebration Assembly, and we look forward to seeing more excellent work in a few weeks’ time.

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