Poetry Day at Pangbourne
Pre-Prep Talks and Assemblies

Year 5 Poetry day

Four Year 5 boys were chosen by their English teacher to attend a 'Year Five Poetry Performance Day' at Pangbourne College as a reward for consistent effort in their English classes. After several hilarious ice breaker games, involving funny noises and bodily movements, the boys were divided into three groups, mixing with boys and girls from seven other schools. Each group were set to work on one of three stanzas from Wilfred Owen’s ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ (it is sweet and honourable to die for one's country). After around thirty minutes of interpretation and discussion, all three groups individually performed their dramatised versions of their stanza to the other groups.

After a short break, during which the boys helped themselves to some rather large and delicious cookies, the boys returned to their own school groups and each group was given two poems to choose from. They were tasked with interpreting their chosen poem as well as preparing an accompanying piece to the reading of that poem.  The boys performed admirably and won a prize for being the “most creative” with their interpretation of Brian Patten’s “Geography lesson.”

Fantastic work throughout the day boys, well done!


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