Sports Day 2024

A great display of House spirit

Moulsford’s Sports Day took place last Friday on a hot and sunny day with a marvellous atmosphere throughout. Gazebos were set up early in the morning and a coffee van and ice cream van were kept very busy throughout the day!

The Pre-Prep pupils kicked off proceedings as our energetic and excited Bobcats, Wildcats, Tigers, Pumas, Panthers, Leopards and Lions took to the field. The children were dressed in their colourful t-shirts ready to represent their Houses and all took part in a variety of events. It was particularly exciting to have the Pre-Schoolers taking part in their first Moulsford Sports Day. The children took part in individual sprints, relays, throwing events, a water sports event and even races on the balance bikes! There were some great displays of perseverance and teamwork and we enjoyed seeing the support and camaraderie amongst all of the Pre-Prep children (and indeed their parents!). The event was finished off with a tug of war between the children, which quickly became dads versus children, mums and teachers! Well done to everyone for your efforts!

After a House meeting and ceremonial face painting, the boys in Years 3 to 8 headed out to the back field with House flags held aloft! Each House completed a lap of the field to their chosen soundtrack (Amundsen opted for Thunder by ACDC, Bering for Rag n Bone Man’s Human, Cabot chose the Harry Potter theme and Drake went with Freed from Desire). Team spirit was very strong and the crowd were whipped up and remained very vocal throughout the afternoon. We even spotted one father who had made his own ‘Go Drake’ t-shirt to support his children’s House!

There were some fabulous individual performances, including some new school records and Rafe C (Year 4), Sam J (Year 6) and Will C (Year 8) took home the Victor Ludorum trophies.

The year group relay races followed, and finally the hotly contested tug of war, when competitive spirit and adrenaline reached its climax, with Cabot taking the final bow.  The overall winner, winning the much coveted House trophy, was once again Bering – will anyone stop their winning streak?

Huge thanks go to Mr Corbett and Mr MacKinnon for organising such a superb event and all of the members of staff, who play such an important role on the day.  It was wonderful to see every child in the school contributing so wholeheartedly for their House, in a fantastic atmosphere of effort, reward and, above all, cheerful participation.

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