Whole school assembly and discussion
At the start of the academic year we began a process to review our Moulsford Values. Initially a small group of boys were involved but we were keen to get the whole school involved in order for them to have their say and be part of the process. Therefore on Wednesday the whole school was taken off timetable to help discuss and identify the new school values.
The morning started with the entire school gathering in the Sports Hall for an Assembly. It was particularly lovely to have the Pre-Prep with us, with even the youngest Bobcats taking part. After an introduction from the Headmaster about why we want to simplify our values, we watched a video featuring some of the pupils and staff talking about what Moulsford means to them.
After that we were treated to a couple of role plays, the first from the Pre-Prep all about kindness and the second from a group of Year 3 and Year 8 pupils highlighting different values in action.
The school then broke into groups to narrow down our new values from a longlist of ten.
- Authenticity
- Integrity
- Kindness
- Understanding
- Respect
- Communication
- Curiosity
- Enthusiasm
- Courage
- Determination
At the same time a group of the non-academic staff had a similar discussion to identify their five Values themselves. It really was a team effort!
We are looking forward to hearing the final results next week…