Year 5 enjoy a morning of activities!
Year 5 took part in the annual Senior School Preparation Day on Tuesday. It was a very successful morning for the boys. There was a range of activities which addressed each area of the senior school application process including; interview technique, writing a CV (useful for the school reference), Atom Learning as well as being given access to their Planet BOFA 11+ online account.
The boys' attitude, open-mindedness and sense of fun was a feature throughout, which reflects extremely well on them as a cohort. The boys themselves were asked to reflect on the morning and here are some quotes from them:
'I liked the BOFA activities because it will help me complete the pretests.'
'I got to write that I like Minecraft when I was writing my CV!'
'The quizzes in Atom learning were really useful and fun!'
'It was nerve wracking when I practised my interview but now that I have done it I'm much more confident.'