Head's Blog: Marking achievements
Head's Blog

One of our key aims at Moulsford is to celebrate each individual boy for their personal successes and achievements, at whatever level this may be.  Over the last few years, we have introduced a number of initiatives with this in mind: The Lionheart Award in sport, for attitude and effort rather than achievement or talent; the weekly Roy Keane Award in Year 5 for general attitude and effort in class; and the weekly Boarding Legend of the Week Award for general positive contribution to the Boarding House are just some examples of boys being celebrated for their individual or collective achievements.  There are plenty of boys who quietly push themselves to achieve in many different areas of school life on a daily basis.

It is also very important to celebrate when boys reach significant milestones with recognised success. It has been a busy week of results coming into Moulsford from senior schools, both from various Years 6 and 7 Pre-Tests as well as scholarships for our Year 8 boys.  I am delighted to announce the following scholarship results achieved so far this year, with some outcomes still to be released.

  • James L - Abingdon Academic Scholarship – top Abingdon Scholarship of all candidates
  • Jack D - Abingdon Academic Scholarship
  • Charlie M - Abingdon Academic Scholarship
  • Harry O– Abingdon Academic Scholarship
  • Max F – Oundle Academic Scholarship
  • Sean F – Abingdon Drama Scholarship
  • Max F – Oundle Music Scholarship
  • Nathan VB – Abingdon Design & Technology Scholarship
  • Jack D - Abingdon Design & Technology Scholarship
  • Freddie M – Pangbourne Design & Technology Exhibition
  • Felix B – Pangbourne Sports Scholarship
  • Tom D – The Oratory Sports Scholarship
  • Edward A - The Oratory Sports Scholarship
  • Ollie P – Shiplake Sports Scholarship
  • Jack R – Radley Sports Exhibition

Many congratulations to all the boys listed above, and also to those boys who put themselves forward but did not achieve an award. The experience of simply getting involved is incredibly valuable in itself and boys will generally be stronger for the experience, whatever the outcome. Thank you to the staff for all they have done in preparing the boys for both their scholarships, and in ensuring that all Moulsford boys are recognised for their own individual and collective achievements.

Another great achievement was the Senior Musician’s Concert, recorded yesterday.  Once again this is a virtual performance and can be viewed here.  Well done to all the boys involved for a thoroughly enjoyable concert, and thank you to Mr Bissell for pulling it together.

I am sure that many of you are looking forward to the Equinox Party in September, and enormous thanks to the PA Party committee, led by Sarah Edwards, who are doing a super job. There are so many variables in running such an event at present, and please be patient with them as they negotiate the numerous challenges as they arise, particularly in relation to the allocation of tables. It will be quite a party when the evening is finally on us.

At the risk of finishing on a downbeat note, please can I urge parents to continue to be cautious over Half Term in relation to Covid. It’s easy for us all to become complacent, and one positive case can have a very significant knock-on effect to life at Moulsford. It’s worth mentioning that a prep school very close to here has had to revert to full virtual learning this week because of a number of positive cases in the school community. I know this is an outcome that all of us will want to avoid.

Specifically, please could:

  • all Year 7 & 8 boys take lateral flow tests on Sunday 6th June, and continue to test for the second half of term
  • parents inform us immediately of any positive cases which affect their family
  • those going abroad observe the regulation quarantine measures and inform us in advance

Have a wonderful Half Term break.


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